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Nursing encompasses autonomous and collaborative care of individuals of all ages, families, groups and communities, sick or well and in all settings. Nursing includes the promotion of health, prevention of illness, and the care of ill, disabled and dying people.

What do nurses do?

Nursing is an honorable profession and an incredibly rewarding career path. Not only do nurses save lives, but they offer compassion and kindness to those that need it most. They are often a source of comfort, safety, and security.

What are the objectives of nursing?

Perform a comprehensive assessment of individuals, families and aggregates utilizing current technologies when needed. Practice safe evidence based nursing care. Promote health through education, risk reduction, and disease prevention. Appreciate human diversity and the implications of a global health care environment.

Duties of a nurse:

  • Conduct physical exams
  • Take detailed health care histories
  • Listen to patients and analyze their physical and emotional needs
  • Provide counseling and health care education to patients
  • Coordinate care with other health care providers and specialists
  • Stay current with advances in health care options, medications, and treatment plans
  • Draw blood, and perform other health-related testing
  • Check a patient’s vital signs

Key skills for nursing:

  • Caring- When caring is present patients experience feelings of comfort and hospitality, of being at ease and of being healed. Nurses that offer heartfelt acts of kindness evoke caring, an important element of the healing process.
  • Communication Skills- Strong communication skills are critical characteristics of a nurse. A nurse’s role relies on the ability to effectively communicate with other nurses, physicians, disciplines across other units, patients, and their families.
  • Empathy- With nurses caring for perhaps thousands of patients throughout their careers, it can be all too easy to become desensitized or remember what it was like to be a “nonclinical” person. A characteristic of a good nurse is one that shows empathy to each patient, making a true effort to put themselves in their patients’ shoes.
  • Attention to Detail- Nurses are undoubtedly under immense pressure as they balance receiving orders from physicians with using their own knowledge skills and critical judgement to provide the highest quality patient care. Add to this combination caring for multiple patients simultaneously, and the risk for human error can seem almost inevitable.
  • Problem Solving Skills- While clinical knowledge and training is taught throughout a nurse’s education, on the job training is the most effective way to help shape a nurse’s problem solving skills. And although years of experience can help hone this skill, some naturally possess better problem-solving skills as part of their qualities and traits of a nurse.
  • Stamina- The physical demand on nurses is perhaps one of the most underestimated aspects of their careers. Within one shift, a nurse lifts an average of 1.8 tons (roughly the weight of a hippo) with patient lifting and adjusting. Additionally, studies have found that nurses walk an average of 4-5 miles per shift.
  • Sense of Humor- To derive satisfaction from such a mentally and physically exhausting career, nurses that can find time for a laugh are typically more successful in their roles. Because nurses encounter varying degrees of high-stress situations, taking the opportunity to enjoy the downtime and incorporate a lighthearted attitude can provide a sense of stress relief beyond measure.
  • Commitment to Patient Advocacy- This concept is the foundational core tenet of healthcare from the Hippocratic Oath to nearly every hospital’s mission statement in one phrase or another: keep patients safe, deliver the highest quality of care. In other words, be an advocate for patients, with special attention on their overall safety.
  • Willingness to Learn- With technological improvements and breakthrough studies in science, the healthcare industry (and healthcare workers) must prove to be successfully adaptive to provide the highest quality patient care possible. Nurses spend more bedside time with patients than any other role in healthcare and their willingness to learn and put new knowledge into practice is one of the leading traits of a good nurse.
  • Critical Thinking- While having a strong willingness to learn is an important skill in a good nurse, putting that knowledge into successful practice requires an ability to think critically—especially in high-stress situations. A nurse with highly functioning critical thinking skills is one of the most important characteristics of a professional nurse.
  • Time Management- Balancing multiple patients, stressful care settings, and competing priorities is no small feat during a 12-hour shift. Having the ability to implement effective time management is a key personality trait for nursing, as is being able to concentrate on the most critical issues first, which isn’t necessarily the patient/family that’s demanding the most.
  • Leadership- While most nurses approach their careers with patient care in mind, many will unexpectedly transition into leadership roles. Unfortunately, it’s all too common for this promotion to arrive without adequate training, development opportunities, or sufficient support/mentorship.
  • Experience- It’s important to note that as veteran nurses leave the healthcare industry and begin retirement, they’re taking with them years of experience and knowledge that cannot be quickly replaced. As nursing leaders work to bring new nurses in the door, most available candidates are predominantly new graduate nurses—a stark contrast to their predecessors in terms of experience and the many patient care skills and knowledge that can only come with time and practice.

Here is a list of top 10 nurses in Mumbai:

Serial No.NameAddressPhone No.
1Sai Enterprises17, Floor 1, Plot No 157, Navalker Building, Khadilkar Road, Girgaon, Mumbai – 400004, Kandewadi 9987457437, 9987967666
Kaushal Nurses Bureau
Tilak Chowk, Kalyan City, Kalyan – 421301, Oppoosite Janta Bhavan, Tilak Chowk7947186376
3Rukhsana Daily CareRoom No 4 Building No 19 Panthaki Baug, Andheri Ghatkoper Road, Andheri East, Mumbai – 400069, Opposite Vishal Hall7947187116
4Janaseva Kalyan Care CenterDattu Ghati Chawl, Goan Devi Kama Road, Andheri West, Mumbai – 400058, Near Andheri Station 7947185117
5Laxmi Rugna Seva BureauB- 24, Ashok Nagar Hill No 3 Near Buddha Vihar, L, B, S Marg, Ghatkopar West, Mumbai – 400086, Back to Home Guard 7947463710
6Healwell Home CareC-211/212, EASTERN BUSINESS DISTRICT, L B S MARG, Bhandup West, Mumbai – 400078, Near Metro Mall 7947181447
7Aabhaar Home Health Care Services Pvt Ltd 
4 Shankar Talekar Lane, S N Dubey Road, 4 Shankar Talekar Lane, Dahisar, Mumbai – 400068, Near Western Express Highway7947185180
8Krishna Caretaker Services Shop No 1 First Floor City Commercial Centre Building, Station Road, Dombivli West, Thane – 421202, Oppoosite Railway Station7947182708
9Lalita Nurses BureauSumangal Building, Shop No 9, Aadharwadi Jail Road, Kalyan West, Kalyan – 421301, Opposite Phadke Maidan7947172531
10Karmabhumi Caretaker Services Pvt LtdNear Audumber Bunglow, Wayle Nagar, Khadakpada, Kalyan West, Kalyan – 421301, Behind Zaika Hotel7947187327

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